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An Advisers Life – Smart Players Dont Pay For These Money Grabs

While we all continue to wait out the Coronavirus crisis, some people are still trying to get players and parents to part with their cash with what are simply useless money grabs.

It really is sad that some people would try to take advantage of unsuspecting parents and players. People who don’t understand how the system works because they don’t have an Adviser or they haven’t been around the junior game long enough to learn all the pitfalls.

What ever you do, don’t fall for these two money grabs.

Video Scouting????

Really? One of the Tier II leagues came up with the bright idea of trying to charge people to look at video. A look at video, and some phone consultation to get more interest from the league.

This is nothing but an attempt to get money. Nothing but an attempt to get some of the money back into the coffers after all their “pre draft” events were cancelled.

Just get a clue mom’s and dad’s, if they don’t know who your son is now, they wont care about what video you send them now. If he didn’t get their attention with his play last season, all you are doing is getting your information in the hands of more pay to play teams who will be desperate to fill their rosters.

Don’t be a sucker and pay for video scouting. Video scouting is done for FREE by scouts all over the world.

Paying for a Player Profile????

Any player who pays for a profile on a website is simply not very smart. Why would you pay for your information to be on a website? Don’t you pay enough for hockey?

Coaches and Scouts have scouting budgets. They pay for information, not the other way around.

You can have a FREE profile, and upload all the video you want for video scouting for FREE at

No special gimmicks. No upselling. No additional services for a fee. Because it is FREE for players.

Coaches and Scouts pay a small annual fee to access all the players information. Thousands of players and all the research tools coaches and scouts need in one place.

I have been advising players for a long time. Not once have I advised a player to pay for video or profile services. If they are asking for your money without knowing who you are first, then the money is the first thing on their minds.

Be smart, use the tools that are available to you. Don’t fall for people who would take advantage of the panic some of you are having by not being able to go to camps. Don’t fall what what are two complete money grabs.

Joseph Kolodziej – Adviser

[email protected]

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