General News

TJHN Will Give Back To The Game – Letter From Publisher

Dear Readers, Players, Parents and Fans,

On Wednesday January 30th, TJHN published a letter we were sent called “A Fathers Letter To His Son At The End Of His Hockey Playing Career“.

The response to that article has been amazing.  TJHN has had more than 14,000 visits to that story alone in the last three days.  While we appreciate the response, we have also received hundreds of emails, Twitter messages and Facebook responses noting just how much many of you can relate to the emotion contained in the letter.

As a hockey father, one that is fortunate to be able to continue watching my son play for another few years, I could not help but think about how I will one day face these same thoughts.  I think many of you may have gone down that same road.

The game gives so much to so many of us.  Memories, experiences, and life long friends.  As children it helps us to dream of one day making it to the “show”, and it allows us to think about becoming something other than an average person.  It really is like no other sport on earth.  None other can grip an entire family like hockey does.

In that spirit, and in wanting to give back, TJHN is going to create a new program.

Once a month, beginning on March 1st, 2013, we are going to publish a story submitted by a reader.  Along with the story, the reader will submit a hockey charity of the writers choice, a youth association or other non profit hockey entity that benefits players at any level.  TJHN will then donate 10 cents for every click on that story once published to that charity.

TJHN will also seek individual and corporate sponsors to match or contribute funds to that benefit group.  Readers will also be able to contribute flat amounts or per click amounts.

If as many people come together and donate just one penny per click as have read this first article, we can all make an impact.  If 100 people donate one penny per click and we receive similar responses, $14,000.00 per month could be sent to programs that need it.  Thats a lot of money to help fund and grow our game.  That is making an impact and giving back.

This new series needs a name, and we welcome your ideas on what it should be.

Thank you for your continued reading of TJHN, where it is more than just a game.

Joseph Kolodziej – Publisher – [email protected]

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