General News

Bloomington And CHL Update

Yesterday TJHN published and article mentioning the Bloomington Blaze and other teams in the Central Hockey League that could be targeted for junior hockey expansion.

TJHN stands by our writers story.

As the publisher of TJHN I personally spoke with Bloomington Blaze’s David Holt this morning to follow up on his comments made to the local press regarding our story yesterday.

Mr. Holt confirmed that Sandra Hunnewell-Vitale has been absent from the team for six weeks.  Mr. Holt also informed me that Bill Vitale has been in contact with the CHL, but that he has not heard from him personally.  Mr. Holt also said that the CHL had not taken over the team, but that he has been operating the team without the Vitale’s input.

I explained to Mr. Holt that TJHN is not concerned with the Bloomington Blaze as a professional team and that our story focussed on potential junior markets.  I also stated that it was more than strange for Bill Vitale to be talking to the league and not the person who is operating the pro and junior teams.  While TJHN sources may have inaccurately informed us that the CHL had taken over the team, an owners absence for six weeks could have easily been interpreted by those sources as the league having control of the team.

Regardless of why the owners have been abset from Bloomington, a six week time period of absence is not something any normal business person would see as being a high level of commitment.  With email, cell phones and texting available some level of contact is what any reasonable person would expect.

Of note, nothing else within yesterdays article has been challenged by any person from other cities mentioned, nor has the CHL stated that other portions of the story were inaccurate.

Joseph Kolodziej – Publisher

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