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OJHL Expansion Talk Heats Up

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OJHL Expansion Talk Heats Up November 7, 2012 7:18 AM

I am not sure why I am still writing about the CHLPA, but people keep requesting updates so here is the latest…..

On Friday the CHLPA withdrew their application for labor certification in Nova Scotia. TJHN confirmed the move yesterday with the provincial labor department.

Since TJHN broke the CHLPA story back in August, the twists and turns have been amazing. The idea of people impersonating people, strangers approaching players using fake names and or not being willing to provide their complete names to players just keeps getting better.

TJHN received the following email from a third party that was contacted by the CHLPA in regard to recruiting players for the movement sent from

It was really good talking to you today. Please find the attached some information for your viewing. We are looking for you to contact 3-5 players that are of the age of majority, (18 or older), to attend this meeting. We will need confirmation by 9 pm this evening, Thursday August 2, 2012. Please contact me directly on my phone at 438-877-XXXX Thanks, Alex

Until now, nobody named "Alex" has been associated with the CHLPA. Phone calls to the number provided have not been answered or returned. We took notice immediately of the fact that "Alex" does not have a last name. We also took notice of the time line in which the email was sent. The email was received with less than three hours before the CHLPA’s deadline of 9:00 PM. Suspicious? Just a little.

Also noticed is that as early as August 2, 2012 the CHLPA knew they could not solicit under age players. TJHN has published reports over the last few months stating that this could potentially be a large problem for any labor certification as under age workers are not typically allowed to sign documents of obligation.

Coincidentally, Josh Desmond, a former member of the Halifax Mooseheads, announced he was dropping a wage complaint with the Nova Scotia Labor Standards Division because publicity he’s had has been distressing to him and his family. The 19-year-old said he filed the complaint under the guidance of the CHLPA.

Unfortunately for TJHN reporting on this story, we have lost the CHLPA as a follower on our Twitter page. We are all trying to recover from the substantial loss, but hope the CHLPA still provides us with some of the best reading material we have ever seen.

By Joseph Kolodziej

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