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The CAJHL Heads Into 2024 Expansion With Innovation And Stability In Mind

The CAJHL Heads Into 2024 Expansion With Innovation And Stability In Mind
Junior hockey expansion is typically one of the most guarded secrets leagues have leading into the off-season and summer.  The topic receives an almost cloak-and-dagger, cold war spy treatment with the levels of secrecy.  Why?
Logic would dictate, an open and well-discussed plan for expansion.  Good business would dictate transparency so that interested parties or groups of people could ask simple questions and get simple answers.
Taking that approach is exactly what the CAJHL is doing.  
No more massive upfront franchise fee’s that cripple operators before they get a chance to operate.  No hiding the process of how owners and ownership groups are vetted for financial viability.  No more playing games with townships, and the groups charged with operating arenas.
Solid ownership groups, with firm financial bases, and strong operations standards.  This is how the best leagues in the world operate, and the CAJHL will be no different.
“As a group, we want to get other owners involved that can help us grow toward our common goals.”  Said Commissioner, Darryl Olsen. “Finding good people who want to give back more than they take out is how you grow.  We have brought in a company to help us refine our growth approach, provide demographic studies, and viability determinations.  A program that is the same for every new ownership group with standardized measures, and requirements.”
One of the keys to the CAJHL expansion plan was the elimination of expansion or license fees that are being charged to owners in many leagues before they even play a game.  These tremendous fees can often put owners in a bad financial position before the season starts.
The CAJHL plan provides avenues to ownership that ease new owners into operations while vesting them with full membership over time.  This same process falls in line with new CAJHL procedures for ownership applicants.
Building Bridges To The Future – The CAJHL believes that in order to build the best bridges, they must start by building the best possible ownership opportunities.  For more information on CAJHL ownership opportunities please email: Darryl “Oly” Olsen

Expansion Opportunities

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