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The Death Pool – GMHL West Is Killed Off

The GMHL is headed in a new direction. That direction is forward, and the GMHL West is being left behind.

Derek Prue has worn out his welcome and all teams have been sent notice that they are no longer part of the GMHL, and they are to immediately cease using the GMHL logo or associating themselves with the GMHL.

Ken Girard has demonstrated over the last six to eight months that he is going to make sure the GMHL operates in a way that is much more organized and rules based than it has been in the past. This step of removing the GMHL West from all association with the GMHL is a big step forward.

Girard has done much over the last year to bring the GMHL standards of operation up several levels. Including player protections on refunds associated with release dates similar to those in USA Hockey and other Tier 3 programs. Operational standards have also been raised, and it looks like teams in Ontario are buying into these new standards.

The GMHL is now much quicker to take action, and now we have more examples of this new way of operating.

The GMHL West has been removed from the GMHL website already, and the GMHL west teams were not allowed to participate in the annual GMHL player draft. Unfortunatley though, this likely will not be the end of the former GMHL West leadership “player development program”.

The “hockey genius” Derek Prue, along with three other alleged team owners are now going to look to start their own league under a new name in Western Canada.

Yes. Prue and the gang are going to try to do their own thing because collecting all that tribal money for players is too good to leave alone. That money though, is at the root of Prue’s problems.

There was no shortage of money coming in from players through tribal payments, the money though was being spent before it arrived by Prue. And in the end, all the money teams were collecting that was suppossed to be sent to the GMHL to pay for franchises, was not being sent to the GMHL. It was used to support the “hockey genius” lavish lifestyle.

If this sounds familiar, it is because it is a virtual repeat of the “hockey genius” Derek Prue’s actions when the same teams were part of the WSHL. Remember how Prue struck out on his own with the other teams after not paying the WSHL for franchises?

It must be a super power for the “hockey genius” Prue to be able to operate a business and not pay the operations bills. I know a lot of families in Canada wish they didn’t have to pay their bills. It’s amazing how Prue is able to pass the buck into his pocket while not passing it on to places where teams owe money.

The “hockey genius” with his accomplices are now looking to set up under a new name, and they are planning to hide Derek Prue’s involvement. The “hockey genius” will be hiding behind the scenes of the operation while one of his useful idiots is put forward as the organizer and leader.

Look for Kevin Hopfner or Dean Whitney to become the next fall guy put in place by the “hockey genius” to lead this new version of the old version shit show.

So for all you parents and players out there who refuse to learn a lesson, remember;

No matter how much you polish a turd, its still a turd. But good luck with your polishing if you decide to give your money to any of these “organizations”.

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