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The Death Pool – Special Report – GOJHL Breakup All But Complete

Well its another exciting day here at the funeral home.  Everyone looks so pale today just laying around.  Get it? Ha Ha Ha  Yeah, just a little Angel of Death humor there kids.

So, it looks like the Greater Ontario Junior Hockey League, and the Golden Horseshoe departure is all but complete now.  Official word is expected shortly.  How do we know, ummmmmm well the GOJHL themselves have all but admitted its a done deal.

The league is advertising its All-Star and Prospects Game for Saturday, Dec. 27 with only the Midwestern and Western Conferences are squaring off, the stars at 1:30 p.m. and the Prospects at 5 p.m.  Ummmmm yep, someone cue Captain Obvious here.  Don’t you love that commercial where he is sitting at the bar thinking some hottie is looking at him and the hotel room……  Sorry, got a little side tracked there.

Anyway, with the Golden Horseshoe going out on their own, the GOJHL is not only reduced in size, but it is going to see a dramatic reduction in the league dues it collects.

Part of the dispute is alleged to be the hiring of a new commissioner and his proposed wage.  The problem according to the Golden Horseshoe boys is that no one agreed to the hire, and no one agreed how to pay for it.

The problem for the GOJHL now, is that if they were budgeting to pay the new guy based on the full compliment of teams, every other team is about to pick up part of that budget shortfall.  Yeah, well that’s not going over with some people so well behind closed doors.

The real bitch about it for the GOJHL remaining teams is that they cant get rid of the Golden Horseshoe boys completely.  Yep, they will have to face them again for the Southerland Cup, awarded to the Ontario Provincial Champions.  Up until now the Southerland Cup was simply a GOJHL Championship since they were the only Junior B league in Ontario.

Talk about having your cake and eating it too eh boys!  Smooth move by the Golden Horseshoe boys if you ask me.

Anyway, looks like we might have some more special reports in the works, stay tuned…..

David Wagner – The Angel Of Death – For Those Who Live Stupidly I salute You

*The Death Pool is a mix of comedy, and satire in connection with recent events.  It is not an official report of current events although it may look as though the news is so accurate that it could one day happen or may be happening.

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