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The Death Pool – Special Report – Season Aborted

Mission abort!  Mission Abort!  I always wanted to say that! Ha Ha Ha

Well it looks like the CIJHL, Canadian Independent Junior Hockey League are calling the 2014-2015 season a mission aborted.  Such a shame, the season that never was or will be.  Note just a hint of sarcasm there kids! Ha Ha Ha

Ok, so the communal living under the eternal hockey skies idea that was the CIJHL lacked just a few key items to create the utopia it proclaimed itself to be.

It lacked money.  It lacked a building.  It lacked promised equipment.  It lacked professionally designed team logos.  And last but not least it lacked enough players to ice the six teams it promised to put on the ice.  Nothing too big there eh kids? Ha Ha Ha

So yeah, in short it lacked everything needed to run a successful program.  But it tried to solve the money issue by collecting advance tuition payment from parents.  Parents sent in tens of thousands of dollars before they found out the other things promised were not in place.

Funny how when the parents found out about the problems they received a request from the league that they pay all the billet fee’s in advance right away with an email dated August 23rd, 2014 at 9:29 PM saying;

“Hi XXXXXXX, here is our paypal account info, we do accept bank (wire transfers & cheques) please add on fees that will be charged.  All payments are made to the CIJHL Accounts, we prepay all our Billets as we don’t want issues with our players and Billets.  Our mailing address for payments is 5643 -176 Street, Surrey B.C. Canada V3S4C4.  Please note the Deposits for player fees are due &also the first billet payment $750 per player (as we have to make 2 billet payments within a couple weeks). Thanks for your email”

That’s right kids, $750 for a billet fee! Are you freaking kidding me?!?!

So the 57 total players that were supposed to make up a 6 team league are now on their own.  Well, not really, one team has left to follow their head coach to greener pastures that will offer all they were promised.  TJHN will have a story on that next week.

But hey, the CIJHL sure gave it the old college try didn’t they?  I mean, all it takes is a website, a name and someone saying it will happen and everyone should come calling right?  Just send us your money kids, and its gonna be great.  Look at these pictures of what we hope to do, believe in our dream, and ohhhhhh by the way, please help us finance the whole thing! Ha Ha Ha

I reached out to Jason Nadeau twice now and he must not have email access at this time.  Probably researching some more of those building codes and such that can pop up at the last minute, or maybe doing a little work visa research.  That stuff is time consuming ya know.

I wonder what Bernie Madoff is doing these days?  Now that was a guy who knew how to finance! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Stay tuned for more special reports kids, we’re having a banner year here in The Death Pool.

David Wagner – The Angel Of Death – For Those Who Live Stupidly I salute You

*The Death Pool is a mix of comedy, and satire in connection with recent events.  It is not an official report of current events although it may look as though the news is so accurate that it could one day happen or may be happening.

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