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The Death Pool – Special Report – Second Week Protected Lists

Ok kids, so here we are, the second official week of the season.  Tomorrow, at 4:00 PM Mountain Time, USA Hockey will republish their protected lists.  http://www.usahockey.com/page/show/916758-protected-lists

So lets just take a look as some simple observations we can make from last week and see how they compare tomorrow shall we?  Oh yeah, I know some of you team owners, coaches, and general managers are about to crap your pants.  Well boys you brought this story on yourselves by not doing your jobs.

So the first thing to look for is if every team in every league reports their protected lists.  See if they don’t, they are probably in pretty bad shape, and USA Hockey told everyone to get their lists in last week.

Lets start with the NPHL though.  The eight team league only had six teams report their lists last week, and only four of those teams had enough players to compete.  Lets see how well they do tomorrow eh boys?

How about the NA3HL?  Only 29 of their 31 teams filed their protected lists last week.  The good news is that pretty much every team reporting could take the ice if they had to right now.  Some have low numbers, but no one is close to panic mode.  But hey, not every team reported yet did they?

The 19 team EHL (Eastern Hockey League) only had 17 teams file their protected lists last week.  Only one team looked like they had low numbers.  Then again two teams didn’t report either.

The Minnesota Junior Hockey League went from 17 to 14 teams in the last two weeks.  Of those 14 teams, only 10 of them filed their protected lists.  Some teams reporting didn’t look too healthy on paper last week.  Not a good idea to go into the season with 16 rostered players and have 5 of them as goalies!  Should be interesting to see their updates tomorrow huh kids?

The 24 team USPHL Empire league had 21 of its teams file their lists last week.  A few of those teams looked to have some low numbers but nothing that would prevent them from taking the ice.  I wonder if the other three teams send in their lists tomorrow.

Too bad AAU doesn’t do something like this.  It sure would be nice to see who is telling the truth and who is full of crap.  And there are some teams that are definitely full of crap.

David Wagner – The Angel Of Death – For Those Who Live Stupidly I salute You

*The Death Pool is a mix of comedy, and satire in connection with recent events.  It is not an official report of current events although it may look as though the news is so accurate that it could one day happen or may be happening

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