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The Death Pool – Tier III Nationals

Its another beautiful Monday morning.  Fresh dirt in a pile right beside the hole we are finally going to fill with the USA Hockey Tier III Junior National Tournament.

That’s right kids, Tier III Nationals are done.  Put a pitch fork in em! Ha Ha Ha

Seriously though, why the hell did USA Hockey even have a Tier III National Tournament?  Yeah, well it made them money that’s why.

But after the last National tournament, where there were two Tier III divisions, and two Tier III National Champions, the event had become a joke!  Yes, a JOKE!

Who the hell was organizing that crap?  I sure hope they didn’t receive a paycheck for it.

Lets be honest kids, no one gave a crap about who won Tier III Nationals anyway.  Scouting was just alright, and half the games were totally lopsided.

News flash kids, Tier III Owners didn’t want to go to this stupid event anyway.  It cost teams and additional ten to twenty thousand dollars just to go to the event.  That’s right.  Because for most teams the travel costs were ridiculous, and forcing teams to use “tournament sponsor hotels” where someone was getting a per night kickback, elevated costs to a point where people dreaded winning their own league championship.

But who came up with this stupid Tier III National Championship anyway?!  Only youth hockey has these National’s.

Speaking of youth hockey, also coming out of the USA Hockey Meetings was the suggestion from one person to eliminate Tier III completely from the label of Junior Hockey.

Yep, someone doesn’t respect the level of play enough, and someone doesn’t even want to deal with “Tier III issues”.  Sounds a little arrogant huh kids?!

The idea was to call it “U-20” and turn over management of it to YOUTH HOCKEY!!!!!  Yes, that’s right.  Turn over management of what are now junior teams and leagues to YOUTH HOCKEY!!!  Perhaps the dumbest idea ever to float out of any persons mouth.

So yeah, the USA Hockey summer meetings were sure interesting kids.  Lots of things going on, lots that most of you will never hear about.  Well, at least until it makes its way to The Death Pool.

Stay tuned kids, we got some teams on life support already.  Yep, lots of plugs to pull shortly.

David Wagner – The Angel Of Death – For Those Who Live Stupidly I salute You

*The Death Pool is a mix of comedy, and satire in connection with recent events.  It is not an official report of current events although it may look as though the news is so accurate that it could one day happen or may be happening.

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