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Brandon Vuic arraigned early on cocaine charge

It began back in October.  Brandon Vuic took his life and the lives of others into his hands while drinking and driving.  The Death Pool – Special Report – Another Player Under Investigation Drugs And Alcohol

It continued into November.  Brandon Vuic Arraigned On DUI – Cocaine Arraignment Next Month

It continues on into December, and it looks as thought it will be several more months before anyone actually figures out what happened that’s night.

In a surprising move by defense attorneys, Brandon Vuic was arraigned early last week ahead of the scheduled arraignment set for yesterday December 17th.

Why the move?  It is a classic defense strategy to get a continuance or early court date in high profile cases in order to avoid the press.

How Vuic remains on the MooseHeads roster is a mystery to many in hockey circles.  He is not seen as a prospect, is not a point producing impact player, and is largely seen as nothing more than an enforcer.  The stats speak for themselves.

While some may argue he’s a good kid, or he is good in the room, when will teams and leagues actually draw a line?  Do people actually have to wait until he is convicted?  Wouldn’t it show more professionalism and a deeper sense of understanding to suspend the player for six months while he were in an intensive in patient rehab program?

The next court date for Vuic is scheduled for February.  We may all have to wait until the off season to see what the end result of this case may be.  Slow news hockey summers…..always the best time to get these types of things out of the news cycle.

Joe Hughes

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