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CapGeek Founder Matthew Wuest Dies Of Cancer

On January 3rd, 2015, CapGeek, one of the most informative NHL websites, and most often cited websites in hockey circles ceased operations due to the “personal health” issues of Founder Matthew Wuest.

Since the NHL doesn’t publicly release or publish player salaries, CapGeek provided information that was easy for any average fan to understand. It also gave fans, fantasy players, and hockey professionals tools to explore how much it would take to buy out players.

I had the opportunity to speak to Wuest several times over the years as it related to contract negotiations, and player issues.  He was not only an innovator through the development of CapGeek, but an extremely knowledgeable man with creative thoughts about the game in general.

The closure of CapGeek came as a shock, as I had hear nothing about Wuest’s illness.  In the hockey world, rumor travels quickly, yet no one had heard a thing.

From Metro Halifax Canada:

The former Metro Halifax sports reporter and CapGeek founder was always the one writing the stories, often shying away from having stories written about him. Wuest died during the early morning hours Thursday at Victoria General Hospital in Halifax, wife Melanie Patten by his side, following a two-and-a-half year battle with colon cancer.

The Stanley, N.B., native was always trying to better himself, whether covering local sports such as the Halifax Mooseheads, Halifax Rainmen and Atlantic University Sport for his full-time job with Metro, or developing what became one of the most popular online hockey resources out there, a side gig ran out of the “CapGeek offices,” his north-end Halifax home.

Matthew Wuest will be missed by many.  In leaving though he has inspired a whole new generation of people following and publishing important resources on the internet.

In a rare interview with Greg Wyshynski of Yahoo’s Puck Daddy, Wuest made one of the most astute financial computations ever when asked the following;

8. Finally, What’s The Thing You Secretly Respect Gary Bettman For The Most?

Well, he reportedly earned $7.2 million last year, which is about a dollar for every fan who booed him.

Our condolences to his family and friends.

Joseph Kolodziej – Publisher

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