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Changes Coming To TJHN

Every year, we at TJHN look for new ways we can deliver the best possible and most inclusive coverage of issues, teams and leagues that most interest the readers.

Heading into the 2016-2017 season, we will be adding some new features, along with some new programming, and new people getting involved.

Along with those additions and improvements, a new sponsorship structure will be announced in the coming weeks that will make it more advantageous for teams to become more involved with TJHN.  We are very excited about this new programming.

We are already fast at work preparing for the first of its kind Junior Hockey Player Draft Guide.  A guide that will be produced and distributed to all Junior Hockey Leagues that hold a player draft completely free of charge!

If you look at our page navigation bar, you will notice some changes already.  You will also notice there is room on that navigation bar for new sections to be added.  We think you will like what we have planned.

You will see some changes in the sites design and color scheme to bring more continuity to all of our products.

Over the next five weeks, these changes will be gradually implemented and announced.  As always we appreciate your readership and input.  Without you, there really is no news.

Joseph Kolodziej – Publisher

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