College Hockey Inc still seeking executive director nearly four months later #top .wrapper .container .whitebox h1 { color: #000; } #top .wrapper .container .whitebox p { color: #000; } The junior hockey news
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College Hockey Inc still seeking executive director nearly four months later June 4, 2012 8:30 AM
Are you interested in running College Hockey Inc.? It looks as though you can have the job because four months after Paul Kelly abruptly resigned as executive director on Feb. 20, 2012 the position is still available.
CHI put out a release Sunday night looking for resume submission from additional candidates. Nate Ewell took over as interim executive director after Kellys departure, TJHN has learned he intends to apply to keep the position.
The problem with this information being released in June, is that most executives capapble of filling the position or at least challenging Interim director Ewell, have already made plans for the 2012 season.
Kelly, one not known to mince words, left abruptly, rumor and speculation at the time and currently, suggested his leaving was based on disorganization, and lack of direction. The truth behind his departure is less rumor and more fact.
Kelly was forced out for what the board memmbers have described as insubordination, including meeting with athletic directors in an attempt to consolidate sport-wide authority with College Hockey Inc. The last straw came when the board members learned of these meetings because of an e-mail written by Kelly that was mistakenly distributed to them by an athletic director.
The timing of this release from CHI could be interpreted to be long over due. Perhaps more troubling is the fact that within the release heading, CHI does not expect to fill the position until after August 2012 based upon accepting application in the months of July and August. Conservative approach? Possibly. Too conservative? Almost assuredly.
In its short history CHI has impacted the game. But to what extent it will continue to do so is in question. CHI not only lost Kelly, but has had to reorganize its board of directors as well. The exact makeup of the board is still being decided. In one incarnation, it would involve the commissioners, three coaches and three athletic directors, comprising the six conferences that will be playing as of 2013-14. In another, it will be one commissioner and six athletic directors.
To help get USA Hockey’s blessing on the changes, the governing board may also include a non-voting member from USA Hockey. Ultimately, the operation is guided by USA Hockey, since that’s where the funding comes from, in the form of a grant.
There is no question that College Hockey Inc. will remain, functionally, as it is today, the marketing arm of college hockey. How effective they can continue to be from this point forward is what is most important question.
Joseph Kolodziej
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