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Confessions Of A Junior Hockey Coach – The Holiday Break

So, we have reached the traditional holiday break.  To be sure it has been an interesting season so far.  It is always the time of looking back and thinking at the holiday break.

For some of you, it has been a season that has seen change.  A move away from home, a trade, an injury, or maybe a coaching change.  Change is always painful in some ways, even when it is for the better.

For some of you it has been a season of growth.  Some have grown stronger mentally, physically or emotionally.  Some of you continue to just grow taller yes? HA HA

The parents of the player must also not be forgotten at this time.

It has been an adjustment has it not?  Your son has left home.  He may have been traded or injured.  It can all be very frustrating when you are not there to be the parent you have always been.  I am sure some mom’s are nodding their heads right now.

During the break it is the time to put the game aside.  It is time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate.

To be sure it is also the time to reflect.  To look back upon the journey as a family that you have traveled through the game.  From the first time skate to where the family has come from then.

The goal, assist, or the save you remember, would not have been possible without the parent that introduce you to the game.

So it is at this time of the year I always want to be thank the parents.  The parents, even “those parents” make it all possible.  The game would not exist without them and the sacrifice they make for us all.  It is the time, the money, and the emotion they put into every practice and every game that we must always remember.

So, Player be greatful.  Be thankful, and remember the holoday break is to celebrate.  Celebrate your parents and be sure to spend time thanking those that have helped you along the way.

Happy holidays to all,


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