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Confessions Of A Junior Hockey Coach – Traits Every Successful Player Has

To be sure, every successful hockey player has similar personality trait.  They come across different at time, but they always have these same trait.  I ask the question of all player and parent who read this, how many do you as a player have?  How many of these trait do you the parent see in your player?  The more you see, the more likely you will be a successful player, and that success will only be limited by your natural ability.

Successful player listen 10 times more than they speak. Bragging is the mask of the insecure player. Truly confident player is quiet and unassuming.

Player ask open ended question: They ask what others do, how they do it, what they learned from it, and what they should do if they find themselves in similar situation.

Truly successful player realize they are talented, but they wish they know more, and they know the only way to learn more is to listen more.

Successful player redirect the spotlight so it shines on others. Maybe it true the player did the bulk of the work. Maybe they really did overcome the challenges. Maybe it true they were the glue that bring the team together to have new success.

Successful player do not care.  They do not show or say so publicly. Inside they’re proud, but they keep that inside.  Successful player do not need the glory; he know what he help to achieved.

Successful player do not need the praise of others, because true validation comes from within.

Successful player stand back and celebrate their accomplishments with the team. They stand back and let others share the spotlight, they bring the confidence boost that help his team mate become more successful too.

Successful player ask for help. Some player feel asking for help is a sign of weakness, a sign of lack of knowledge, skill, or experience.

Successful player are secure enough to admit a weakness. They ask others for help.  The only way to learn, to improve, is to ask help of others who may know more or see thing different.

Successful player do not put down other player. Player who like to gossip, who like to make fun of or speak bad of other player, do so because they hope by comparison to make themselves look better.

The only comparison a truly successful player make is to the player he was yesterday, and to the player he hope to be someday.

Successful player are not afraid to make mistake.  When other player, coach, scout, see successful player try something new, step out of the comfort zone and make the mistake, it is a sign they are still willing to learn.  It is a sign of creativity, experimentation.

Successful player own the mistakes. Insecurity tends to breed false confidence, owning the mistakes breeds sincerity, honesty and confidence.

Really successful player admit the mistakes. They study their own screwups. Successful player don’t mind serving as an example to other player. Successful player do not mind being the source of laughter at film time for his team mate and himself.

Truly successful player do not mind occasionally “looking bad.” Successful player know that that when you be real and honest, people don’t laugh at you, they laugh with you.

Successful player is confident not cocky.  We all know the cocky player, he is easy to spot.  He think he is special when he is really just average player “living the dream”.  Confidence is earned through accomplishment, cocky comes with bad attitude.

Successful player only seek approval from people who really matter. You have 1,000 Twitter followers? Who cares!  2,000 Facebook friends? Who cares! I am happy you can impress yourself and other people with a nonsensical number of people you don’t even know.

Nothing is more important than earning the trust and respect of the people in your life that truly matter.  Your family.  Your Coach.  Your team mate.  Your real life friend.  Your teachers.

When you earn those people trust and respect, no matter where you go or what you try, you are a successful player.  Even when you fail on the ice, you are successful player, and successful person, because you know the people who truly matter the most are behind you whether you be the great NHL success or the success to them alone.

How many of these trait do you or the player around you have?


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