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Coronavirus – Preparing For Next Season While Quarentined

Over the last few weeks, I have been talking to Coaches, Scouts, and Owners around the world on a multitude of subjects. I have asked all of them for ideas or thoughts on what they feel players should be doing in order to prepare for the 2020-2021 season.

Today and over the coming days we will present articles pertaining to the thoughts and ideas expressed by these decision makers.

Today, we will touch on a number of items players and parents can and should be doing in order to prepare for next season now.

A common comment made by everyone concerned NUTRITION. While home quarentined, or social distancing, it can be easy to forget proper nutrition is critical to success as an athlete.

While there are no shortages of fresh fruits and vegetables now, getting to the grocery store may be difficult sometimes. Make sure to put fruits, vegetables, and high protein foods on your shopping list each time. Don’t get lost in NetFlix and potato chips.

Take advantage of this down time, by eating right and training.

While gyms are closed, you can still shoot pucks. If you don’t have weights at home, you can fill 2 liter bottles with water. Each bottle will weight 4.4 pounds. Put enough of them in a bag and you have weights to train with while you don’t have other options.

Running, push-ups, dips, and wall squats are all better than doing nothing while your gym is closed.

Get your player marketing package together. Your resume can be updated. Your on line profile at https://centralscoutingservices.com should be completely up to date with game film and all your educational documents.

Prepare to be recruited electronically this year. The top programs are already hard at work on next season.

Understand that teams from around the world at all levels are probably going to fold. Prepare to accept a lower level offer as a backup plan now, because the offer may not be there later.

If you can hire an adviser, do it. Advisers keep your doors of opportunity open, and right now, every player needs every opportunity.

Be smart. If you are getting team camp emails from every team, its not because they are really interested. It is because they bought your information and you are on a list that anyone can buy. Don’t be fooled by good sales pitches.

Be patient. Camps will be moved, and postponed. Understand everyone is dealing with this together. Accept the camps being moved and just deal with it. As one Coach said “Don’t be a dick, or a pain in the ass.”

Everyone is inconvenienced and if you act like some spoiled entitled problem child, it will be remembered and other people in the business will be told about it.

Schedules have to be remade, not just with teams, but with arenas, referees, and scouts. You’re not the only one effected. Lots of money has been spent on ice, insurance, jerseys and other items to make these camps happen. so be calm and accept that changes will need to be made.

Be grateful you are not sick. Having seen someone being taken away by people in hazmat suits first hand, I can tell you that its scary. More scary than on the news when you see it first hand.

Stay inside. Stay away from people. Stay clean.

Do these things and preparing for next season will help you pass the time while you are home.

Come back tomorrow for more tips. Please share this and all the following articles with players you know.

Joseph Kolodziej – Adviser

[email protected]

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