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GOJHL Denied “A” Level Status By OHA

The Ontario Hockey Association (OHA), the governing body for junior and senior hockey within the southern, western and eastern areas of the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF), determined at its Board of Directors Meeting on April 16th not to approve the request of the Greater Ontario Junior Hockey League (GOJHL) to grant to the league and its teams reclassification as a Junior A League.

The GOJHL is comprised of 26 member teams of the OHA, plus one entry from Buffalo, NY, as approved by USA Hockey and Hockey Canada to compete in the League.

Accordingly, the teams will continue to compete in the Junior B Category within the OHA for the OHA’s James T. Sutherland Cup, emblematic of the OHA Junior B Championship, which was first awarded in 1934.

In reaching its decision, the OHA Board considered several factors, including:

  • There was little to no rationale, or supporting reliable information provided in the application for reclassification, nor in any subsequent information provided;
  • The practical effect of approving the applications would be the elimination of all participants in the Junior B category within the OHA at this time without due consideration on the impact on other levels of play under the auspices of the OHA;
  • There was no rationale provided as to the reasoning to have the Junior A category move from the current 22 teams to a proposed 49 teams;
  • The position, as presented by the “GOJHL Transition Team” to have all 27 current Junior B members being reclassified to Junior A, was decided not to be in the best interest of hockey;
  • The OHA Board takes a strong position that there can and should be only one league at the Junior A category and that such league will enter and compete for the Junior A National Championship and operate under one set of rules, regulations, policies, and standards as established and approved.  To have “rival” leagues at the same category, operating under different rules, regulations and operating procedures and requirements, is not conducive to the orderly conduct of competition.

“The Junior B category is a huge part of what the OHA is, has been, and what it can be moving forward.  Our Junior B programs offer tremendous opportunities for players and coaches to advance to higher levels within the game,” said Scott Farley, OHA Chief Executive Officer.  “The GOJHL is arguably the best Junior B league in Canada and they have provided amazing opportunities to players and coaches in the communities they represent.  The OHA welcomes change, but it must be done in a thoughtful and forward-thinking manner and work within the OHA’s Tomorrow’s Game initiative and in the best interest of all OHA teams and categories as well as other affected programs.”


The OHA continuously consults with its members and other stakeholders in an ongoing effort to improve hockey programming, and wishes to continue that dialogue with the member teams in the Junior B category and the GOJHL.


About the OHA                                                            

Founded in 1890 to govern amateur hockey in Ontario, the Ontario Hockey Association (OHA) is the governing body for the majority of Junior and Senior teams in the Province of Ontario.  The OHA is a member of the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) and by virtue of OHF membership, Hockey Canada.  The OHA is committed to excellence, opportunity and honouring its long-standing tradition in communities across Ontario.

Over 5,000 games are organized under the OHA umbrella each season.  The OHA currently has 119 member teams competing with 11 leagues, over 2,700 players as well as officiating staff of over 375 within its jurisdiction.

More information about the OHA can be found at www.ohahockey.org.

For more information, please contact:

Scott Farley
OHA Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]
(519)622-2402 x.5

Stephen Boscariol
OHA Development Coordinator
[email protected]
(519)622-2402 x. 7


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