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How Important Is Your Player Profile?

Players and parents are often asking, “how do I get more interest from scouts?”.

The most basic answer I can give them is, “how are scouts finding you?”

If you think that simply by playing on a good team or in a good league, or just being a good player is enough to get you noticed, you are extremely naïve.

If you think your coaches are promoting you to other teams at higher levels, you are also being naïve.

First of all, AAA coaches aren’t trying to see players move up during the season. Second, they want to be in control of who gets to talk to you, so they aren’t giving your information out.

Players at the Tier 3 level have less scouting, and coaches have less incentive to see a player move up mid season. They cant afford to lose the revenue your contract represents.

Right about now you’re thinking about emailing coaches your resume? Yes. Because every high level coach has the time to read the thousands of emails and resume’s he receives?

Knowing how scouts and coaches actually look for players is the most important thing you can learn here.

They search for players by specific criteria. Age, Position, Height, Location, and GPA. Those are the top five search criteria for coaches and scouts throughout the world. After that, they look at statistics and begin to drill down on player information.

So, your Player Profile or On Line Resume becomes pretty important. Critical is probably the best way to describe your Player Profile. Keeping is current and updated is also critical.

Keeping a complete profile is also critical. No year of birth? No contacts. No Position? No contacts. No Location? No contacts. Missing or incomplete contact information? No contacts.

One place offers a Free For Life Player Profile, that the player is always in control of and scouts can always see. Https://CentralScoutingServices.com

Putting the tools in your hands for free to get everything in the hands of scouts the way scouts want to get it. All your important documents, video and photos can be uploaded in seconds to keep your profile fresh.

Scouts designed this profile format in the way they want to receive information. No guessing on your part, and its free.

All NHL, USHL and NCAA Scouts have access to the database for free as well.

If you don’t have a have a Player Profile, isn’t it time you caught up to your competition?


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