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The Death Pool – Teams That Refuse To Move Players Up


Oh yeah kids, its that time of year.  Just a few weeks to go before junior hockey team rosters are frozen.

Some teams are killing it on the ice and some teams are struggling to get into the playoff races.  Some teams have done a good job developing players and some teams are finding out they may have made a few mistakes in picking their rosters.

Its this time of year when everyone is looking to improve their rosters in a very short period of time.  So why the hell arent some teams moving players up when they get a phone call from a higher level team?  This game is supposed to be about developing the player and providing opportunity right?  Yeah okay, we all know thats not always the case.

So, recently we have been hearing about a lot of teams looking to call up players from Tier III teams and Junior B teams.  Awsome stuff right kids?

Yeah well it would be awesome if these teams were letting their players actually know the calls came or if they were actually being allowed to go on the call up!  Can you believe it?  Players arent even being told that the calls came and some are not being allowed to go up?  Say it aint so!

News flash kids…….No one remembers who wins a Tier III or Junior B Championship when it comes to recruiting for College!  Thats right boys, Championships do not get you to school.  Ooooooops, I mean thats right teams who are holding kids back from moving up.  The only thing Championships do for teams is give them bragging rights and get coaches their bonus money or a chance for a higher salary.

Oh snap, I almost forgot to mention that some of the teams who are getting these calls are willing to let the players move up if……they get paid upward of $2500.00 for the player!  Fashizzle $2500 bucks for a player thats already paid to play and some teams want to cash in on the player twice!

HO HO HO  Like Santa I am making my list and checking it twice kids.

Doing a lot of research now, and as soon as we get just a little more verification, I will be writing a real nice follow up piece naming the teams that have been holding kids back from moving up this year.

If your a top player on your Tier III or Junior B team, ya might want to ask your coach if anyone has called about you or if they have even tried to move you up.

From coast to coast kids, its happening everywhere.  But hey, its all about the player right?  Well unless it interferes with a coaches chance to win games that is.

David Wagner – The Angel Of Death – For Those Who Live Stupidly I salute You

*The Death Pool is a mix of comedy, and satire in connection with recent events.  It is not an official report of current events although it may look as though the news is so accurate that it could one day happen or may be happening.

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