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The Death Pool – The Truth About Tier III Tenders And Moving Up

Yeah, well I am just getting ready to piss in a bunch of peoples cereal this morning.  But you know what?  If it wasn’t for all the bullshit propaganda being spewed by people I wouldn’t have to piss as bad as I do this morning!

So yeah, apparently some people want to keep on bullshitting people about how one league is “the path” to a certain Tier II league.  So let me lay some truth on ya followed up by some things called facts.  You know facts that some people want to ignore.

Its all bullshit.  Tier III tenders and the alleged “pipe line” are all bullshit.  Yeah, its more like a pipe bomb instead of a pipe line.

Here is a fact for you;

Not a single player drafted to a certain Tier II league from their Tier III league in the most recent draft.  Yeah not a single one.  Let that shit soak in on ya for a minute.

Still think “scouts” from the higher level give a shit about the Tier III league?

So I got to digging just a little further.  You know because we took so much shit from people in this great Tier III league on our Tier III ratings and stuff.  I figured I would look into those super freaking awesome spectacular “Tender” numbers.  You know, just so we could see how great the development was.  How that awesome “pipe line” was working…..

Guess what?  A certain league had 30 players tendered.  Amazing number right?  30 players out of more than 1200 players that played in a league?  Yeah, that’s it, just 30.

Yeah well a grand total of six of those tendered players played more than 30 games.  Yeah, so less than three percent of the players in the league got tendered, and out of that miniscule group, only six players played more than half a season.

It gets better though.  The majority of “tendered” players didn’t play a single Tier II game!

Now how good are those tenders?  Yeah, about as good as a used piece of toilet paper.  Combine that with ZERO freakin draft picks, and how much of a pipe line to Tier II do you have?

The simple truth is, you don’t have a pipe line at all.  You got a Tier III league that has less players going to Tier II than the other Tier III leagues in the country.  That’s right, the other Tier III leagues had more players drafted in the Tier II league!

Now whats that truthful shit tell all you brainwashed monkeys?  Anyone want to dispute the facts?  You know like make up some alternative facts?

Seriously, all you people drinking that sweet flavored colored water need to back the hell away from the drink stand and start thinking for yourselves.  Some people count on all you sheep just following the rest of them.

How is that “tender” or “pipe line” looking to all you monkeys now?

Now, on a much more positive note, August is half way over, and we have dozens of teams on life support.  We expect more death certificates and frequent burials in the coming weeks.  Look for your super awesome teams death notice here.

David Wagner – The Angel Of Death – For Those Who Live Stupidly I salute You

*The Death Pool is a mix of comedy, and satire in connection with recent events.  It is not an official report of current events although it may look as though the news is so accurate that it could one day happen or may be happening.

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