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The Death Pool – The WUHL Something Smells In The Check Out Isle

Happy Labor Day kids!  I hope everyone is enjoying their day off.  Getting ready for school, and all the upcoming regular season opening junior hockey games coming Friday.  If you’re like me, this is the most exciting time of the year.  We can all be optimistic about our favorite team and players right now.  Good stuff!

You know what’s not so good?  Friday I was at the store picking up some adult beverages for the annual family weekend of fishing and the place was pretty empty.  Not a bad thing right?!

So I fill up the cart and I thought I noticed someone sneaking around the corner down the isle.  As I walk toward checkout I figure out why the guy was sneaking around the corner alright.  He left the worst fart trail in human history!  I mean seriously it was like a whack of skunks just died and someone hid them under the floor.

So I get to checkout and the old dude who left it is standing there laughing.  Yeah, pretty funny right?

So a real bad fart got me thinking about the World United Hockey League.  You know, the left over teams from the train wreck Canadian International Hockey League.  Yep, the WUHL is much like the left behind remnants of a real bad fart!

So yeah, the WUHL finished last season with three or four rag tag units depending on who you believe.  This year they announced expansion with the Mississauga Red Dogs and the Acton Rhinos.  Add those to the St. Charles North Stars and the Toronto Jr Hockey Academy and you have the beginnings of a bad joke four team league.

Ummmmmmm yeah, well turns out the Acton Rhinos haven’t gotten off the ground.  No website, no social media pages, and no mention of them anywhere.  Must be a glitch in the internet.

The Mississauga Red Dogs now have a missing website, and social media pages have been deleted.  Ummmmm yeah, not too good of a sign there kids.

The Toronto Jr Hockey Academy have no team site, and no social media that can be found, but the league keeps announcing things for them.

The St. Charles North Stars have a new logo, and posted some pictures from their “camp”.  Funny though, those pictures never showed more than one or two people in them and we haven’t had anything since.

I wonder if the Red Dogs announcing that their first two defensive player signings were Frodo and Bilbo Baggins had anything to do with recruiting issues?! Ha Ha Ha  Yep, “we got us some size issues in back, but these guys know how to overcome adversity”!

No schedule announced, no player signings announced, and pretty much no mention of anything else anywhere.  But hey, the league has a sweet new logo on their website.  If its one thing we have learned kids, if you got yourself a logo and a website, you got yourself a league!  Right?

Since St. Charles at least had a tryout, do they win the league championship by default?

So, unless there is a miracle in Ontario, I have a whole bunch of holes to dig this week.  Too bad these guys didn’t get in on any of our group sales that went on during the summer.  Stay tuned kids we got more on the way.

David Wagner – The Angel Of Death – For Those Who Live Stupidly I salute You

*The Death Pool is a mix of comedy, and satire in connection with recent events.  It is not an official report of current events although it may look as though the news is so accurate that it could one day happen or may be happening.

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