Dear Readers,
Over the next five to six weeks, TJHN will be upgrading our website. While we work to bring you the latest breaking stories and information pertaining to Junior Hockey, you may experience some slower page load times or site down times. We will try to make these changes in the late night and early morning hours so that these instances will be minimal.
One new feature we hope you will all enjoy is video capability. With these changes we will be able to bring you video from events that are both live and taped. Teams and leagues will be able to send TJHN video of games, interviews and other featured stories so that we can transition from a single format news site to a multi media platform.
One feature we are working on currently is a weekly taped Junior Hockey News show. We are currently looking for hosts and guests for the show.
In the end, we hope that these upgrades and added features will allow the viewers a sleeker, more interactive experience while visiting the site.
Thank you for your continued support of TJHN and we look forward to your comments as we undergo this process.
Joseph Kolodziej – Publisher