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We Are Playing Hockey In Europe, Why Aren’t You Here?

While the COVID-19 virus ravages the United States and seasons have been Delayed in Canada, we are playing regular hockey in Europe.

Yes. With fans in the stands, and players not limited in practices or games. Everything other than limited seating is back to normal.

So why are you sitting at home and not playing?

Americans and Canadians can come to Europe with the proper documentation. Junior and Professional opportunities are available.

Explain to me why waiting to play in Canada will help you get to an NCAA program when NCAA scouts wont be able to cross the border just like American players cant cross the border.

Plenty of scouts in Europe who can travel to games freely.

If the NHL, USHL and Major Junior teams are “loaning” their players to European programs, why are you not making the move yourself?

Playing in front of empty seats with no scouts in the building isn’t going to help you get anywhere. Waiting until December or January will have you doing nothing for another three to five months.

So tell me again why you are not going to Europe and playing now?

The United States – Canada border will not open this year. Canadians who aren’t already in the USA won’t be getting in as the border restrictions get tighter. American players will continue to be denied entry to Canada.

Why are so many of you sitting and wasting your time when you could be playing?

If you want answers to creating real opportunity, drop me an email. I will answer when I get back from the rink.

Joseph Kolodziej – Adviser

[email protected]

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