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Confessions Of A Junior Hockey Coach – Illegal Drug Use

To be sure the hot topic around TJHN these day is the arrest of two player recently for possession of heroin.  Shocking, is the word I use and that does not come close to describing the situation.

Some may say that the two player “were just kids”.  I say they were not “just kids” who got in trouble.

Both these player are twenty year old.  Both these player not in their first year of junior hockey.  Both these player more than old enough to understand right from wrong.

Being around the game for so long you come to find that hockey is not much different than regular life.  Wait long enough and you will find the people with the behavior problem, alcohol problem or drug problem.

In our game player have been known to use alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines, and performance enhancing drug for many year.  Eventually they all get caught and they all be out of the game.

Heroin though is something completely different.  Mass deaths have taken place all over the globe because heroin is being mixed with Fentanyl.  The issue has been all over the news in Chicago as well, so these two player had to have been exposed to the information.  Even I the old man know of such news.

Let us hope these player get help and we do not read about them again.

The bigger problem in my mind is that the team did not remove the players from the team!  Internal suspension for a month?  What was this team thinking?  This is no drinking incident, or two player getting caught smoking the joint.  This is heroin and it kills people.

More disturbing is that every player on the team knew it happen, but not every player parent was told it happen.  This was a Tier III team, and parent have a right to know the culture of the dressing room they are paying for.

What was the organization thinking?  What poor example of leadership.  What poor example of judgment.  With former NHL player as Coach, they should have known this is not acceptable.  Zero tolerance is a very simple proposition.

What happen now?  The season is over.  The player go home.  Is this the end of the problem?  Will USA Hockey and Hockey Canada make strict Zero tolerance policy?  Will anyone do more than talk about “doing it for the kids” and actually do something to protect the kids?


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