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NHL Expands To Vegas – Canadian Press Needs To Get A Grip On Reality – Readers Opinion

I want to thank TJHN for publishing this.  No one else would when I sent it out, so at least someone has the balls to print what a lot of us are thinking.

The Canadian Press needs to get a grip on reality.  The reality of economics, and the reality that Hockey is not owned by the Canadian people exclusively.

The NHL is expanding to Las Vegas.  It is not placing an expansion, or relocation franchise in Quebec, yet.  Yet, is the critical word.

There is no one person in the hockey business that believes for one second that the NHL would not like to return to Quebec.  They will have a fan base, they already have a great arena waiting, and they have ownership in place.

The issue is economics.  Multiple economic points actually.

First, the Canadian Dollar is in bad shape to put it mildly.  If you know nothing else, a team being forced to pay more to players to adjust for the exchange rate would be crippling to any team, or any other business.  Yes, it is a business hockey fans, its time to remember that.

Second, reports are that the proposed Quebec “ownership” isn’t wanting to pay the $500 million franchise fee in cash.  They want to finance part of it.  Which makes absolutely no business sense when you not only lose on the exchange rate but then have to pay interest on the financed money.  This is simply bad business.

Forget the fact that there is already an imbalance in the NHL conferences.  Forget the fact that no one from the Eastern Conference is going to willingly move to the Western Conference and absorb the additional travel expense and road time in order to accommodate a Quebec team.

All of these things are not new news either.  All the complaining about how Canada is left without expansion, about how the NHL doesn’t like Canada, or how its your game is just a bunch of crying.  It is the same rational as buying a losing lottery ticket from yesterday and crying because it didn’t win today.  You knew the result before you made the purchase.

You don’t own the game, it has been a globalized game for years now.  You are not entitled to get a team just because you think you deserve it or just because you are Canada.

Reading the Canadian press has gone beyond just plain stupid.  Its irritating and the thoughts behind the writing are not rational.  Put down your flag, and be happy for more Canadian athletes who will now have jobs.  More Canadian athletes that will bring the American Dollars they earn while playing in America and use that money to start and support small businesses throughout Canada.

Instead of whining about what you didn’t get, how about being thankful for what you are already receiving?  That would probably make too much sense.  Like two plus two equaling four, and the economics of the world not allowing for Canadian NHL expansion, it makes sense.

Quebec gambled and lost, and that’s just Vegas baby.

Reed Jackson – Las Vegas

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