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The Death Pool – Courthouse Updates

Have you ever seen someone and thought, “That guy just looks stupid”?  Sometimes I swear that you can just walk by someone and almost smell how absolutely stupid they are.  Its like a sixth sense when you feel someone watching you.

Some of todays donkey’s are just those kind of people.  You know the type that their own parents kind of cringe when they have to introduce them as their child?!? Ha Ha Ha Some of you are laughing right now thinking of your neighbors kid and some of you just got mad because you know we are laughing at your kid! Ha Ha Ha

Anyway, lets hear it for Noah Mitchell, 35, of Hogansburg, NY.  He was arrested on Oct. 12 and charged with assault causing bodily harm, from an incident during a hockey game on Oct. 5.

It is alleged that good old Noah punched another guy in the head during a mens league game.  The other guy had to seek medical attention for his injuries.  He Noah.  Its a god damn mens league game buddy.  You know, recreational hockey?  And if you just got that cringe feeling over stupidity, now you know why.

How about the Cambridge Winterhawks?  Yeah so the team owner has probably played his last game of junior hockey as an owner.  He’s making a last ditch effort to keep his ice agreement with the city for a team that doesn’t exist in a league that doesn’t exist.

Did anyone really believe people would take on Hockey Canada and win?  Seriously?  Did anyone actually believe every team wanting to go “Junior A” would stick together on the issue?  If you did, please see the above statement concerning people that you just know by looking at them are stupid.  You are probably one of those people.  And yes, you should have just gotten that same cringe feeling.

Even those guys are feeling better than Bradley Christopher Alsaker in Minnesota.  Good old Bradley was smacked with 15 felony counts relating to everything from possession of child pornography to soliciting sexual acts from a minor.  I guess Bradley wont be needing that seat on the Benson Hockey Association Board of Directors will he?

Lets not forget Scott Geikie up in St. John either.  It looks like Scottie is being charged with a few sex crimes against little boys.  The former Bantam AAA coach was charged with offenses from 2008 and 2009.

The former President of the youth hockey association is another shining example of how background checks are not doing the job people had thought they would.  You cant keep the sicko out of sports until he gets caught, and then its too late.

How about former NHL Agent of the stars, Stacey McAlpine.  Ahhhhh yes.  Nothing quite like managing millions of dollars of other peoples money until they actually ask where the hell their money went!  Ooooooops, yeah, well about that…..

Turns out McAlpine is losing lawsuits, and now he is charged with a few counts of fraud.  Yeah, now that’s just a real shitty way to start the week huh?

Ahhhhh yes.  If not for some of these shit heads our lives would be less satisfying wouldn’t they?  Its always nice to  wake up to this kind of news after having a bad day and realizing that the bad day you just had was nothing like the one these shit heads had! Ha Ha Ha

David Wagner – The Angel Of Death – For Those Who Live Stupidly I salute You

*The Death Pool is a mix of comedy, and satire in connection with recent events.  It is not an official report of current events although it may look as though the news is so accurate that it could one day happen or may be happening.

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