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The Death Pool – Special Report – Hockey Canada Officials Making Threats – Part One

You know, sometimes, someone has to say enough is enough.  So, guess what Hockey Canada, today is one of those times.

I got your emails.  I got your threats.  We have all read all of your self serving bullshit.  Newsflash for you dummies; people are getting tired of your strong arm bullshit tactics.  That’s right, you’re no better than the thug on the corner demanding protection fee’s from the new business on the block.

Hockey is hockey.  Period.  Your “status” as “the governing body” is nothing, it means nothing.  And its time for people to wake the hell up.

Get a clue parents, if your kid is a good enough player no one is going to care if he is in a Hockey Canada program or not!  Period!  No one cares except the people who talk about why you should care.

Do you think for one second if the next Connor McDavid is playing in a non Hockey Canada League that scouts are going to ignore him or pass him over?  If you believe that, you need to ask Hockey Canada for a job because you’re about as intelligent as the people making up these bullshit rules.

Below are some examples of how Hockey Canada people treat people when people want to consider exercising choice.  They make veiled threats.

Hey Steve Sleigh, your email below is nothing but a bullshit veiled threat.  Oh yeah, and there was a little court ruling that says your threatening to harm people by taking away Hockey Canada sanctioned events was illegal.  Get a clue you donkey;

Subject: Canadian Premier Junior Hockey League (CPJHL)

Hello Staff,

There is a new Junior hockey league called the Canadian Premier Junior
Hockey League (CPJHL)  which will be operating in the towns listed below.

Almonte Sharpshooters
Maxville North Glengarry
Minto Otown Rebels

It should be noted these teams are “Non-Sanctioned” organizations and they
do not support the development of Hockey Canada Programs. Further, they
operate in a vacuum, with no consideration to the impact of their programs
on minor, junior, senior adult recreational hockey, female hockey,
officiating development, coaching development or administrator development
in Canada. These “Non-Sanctioned” leagues instead choose to utilize the
resources already developed by Hockey Canada and its member Branches. The
teams who make up these “leagues” operate in this fashion because they do
not agree with the existing overall vision of Hockey Canada. They profess to
have a better program yet often operate without a constitution, by-laws,
create their own rule book and may not provide adequate insurance for their
participants. Further, they offer the use of “Prep” or “Junior” level
competition when this is clearly not the case.

Hockey Canada, its member Branches, Major Junior Leagues as well as
registered Junior Hockey Leagues wish to be exceedingly clear with their
response to those programs.


Hockey Canada and its member Branches view all leagues that operate outside
the auspices/sanctioning of Hockey Canada programs to be classified as
“”Non-Sanctioned” leagues. This currently does not include summer hockey
leagues/teams, adult recreational hockey leagues/teams, high school hockey,
and/or hockey schools.


1. Any individual who participates (knowingly or otherwise) in
“Non-Sanctioned” programs after September 30th of the season in question(the
Cut-Off Date) will lose all membership privileges with Hockey Canada for the
remainder of that season, and may only reapply for membership with Hockey
Canada after the end of that season. “Participation” in an ‘Non-Sanctioned”
program will be considered to have occurred if the individual takes part in
one game (including an exhibition, tournament, league or playoff game) after
the Cut-Off Date. If a participant makes the choice to participate in these
“Non-Sanctioned” programs, they must understand the ramifications  of their
choice and that the sanctions described in this paragraph will remain in
effect even if the league or team folds, or the individual is released,
suspended or fired.

2. Hockey Canada and its member Branches across the country will make every
effort to ensure that local minor hockey and female hockey associations in
areas where ‘Non-Sanctioned” Leagues exist are not supporting these leagues
in any manner whatsoever. For greater certainly, “supporting” includes, but
is not limited to, assisting a “Non-Sanctioned” League directly or
indirectly through advertisement, promotion, ticket sales, volunteer
activities, assigning officials, sharing resources or enabling such a league
to participate in Hockey Canada and will preclude such associations from
benefiting from any Hockey Canada/Branch/CHL sanctioned event by whatever
means necessary, including the withdrawal of any such event from any
community within the geographic boundaries of that association if need be to
stress this point.

This policy is aimed at those leagues that choose to operate outside the
hockey structure established by Hockey Canada, its member Branches and the
Canadian Hockey League.

Steve Sleigh
Director of Rules & Officials
Hockey Eastern Ontario

Hey Sean Kelly your emails are bullshit threats too;

From: Sean Kelly [mailto:skelly@hockeycanada.ca]
> Sent: August-25-16 9:40 AM
> To: MacDonald, Cyndi (SSC/SPC)
> Cc: Corey McNabb; Jerrett DeFazio; rwaldroff@bell.net
> Subject: RE: CPJHL
> Dear Ms. MacDonald:

> Thank you for your e-mail.

> The CPJHL is a league that is not sanctioned by Hockey Canada.  Under Hockey Canada’s Non-Sanctioned League Policy, any player who participates in a non-sanctioned league after September 30th of the current season cannot return to Hockey Canada programming in any capacity until the beginning of next season.   This current season prohibition will apply even if you son decides midway through the season that he wishes to return to Hockey Canada programming this year for any reason, including if his CPJHL team ceases to operate.

> If your son chooses to play in the CPJHL this year, therefore, and remains with that league after September 30, he would be eligible to try-out for a Junior team within Hockey Canada at the beginning of next season.   He would not be able to have any involvement in Hockey Canada activities, however, including assisting with on-ice activities, for the remainder of this season.

> I trust this is the information you require.

> Yours truly

> Sean Kelly
> General Counsel
> Directeur des affaires juridiques
> skelly@hockeycanada.ca
> T : (613) 696-0779   F : (613) 696-0787
> 801 King Edward Avenue Suite N204
> Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5
> HockeyCanada.ca

Any moron who thinks this kind of strong arm tactics have any place in hockey is probably someone who has a number of arrests for robbing gas stations in the middle of the night.

And you wonder why so many kids are quitting hockey.  Take a long look in the mirror you morons.  When you shit on people, you tend to get shit on by others.

Hockey is hockey.  Let the kids play where they want to play.  Stop making shit up.  Stop being jealous of people who exercise choice.  Stop being angry at people who walk away from ignorance.  How about you get a grip on your own shit show operators who take money, and don’t deliver on their promises before you criticize others.

Glass houses bitches.  Don’t throw stones if you live in one.

David Wagner – The Angel Of Death – For Those Who Live Stupidly I salute You

*The Death Pool is a mix of comedy, and satire in connection with recent events.  It is not an official report of current events although it may look as though the news is so accurate that it could one day happen or may be happening.

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